Work is titled "Fleurs sous un Parasol," alternately, "Parasol a la Turbie." Lot is accompanied by a Letter of Authenticity issued by the artist's daughter Christine Goodwin (Edzard), dated 5.2.2010. Provenance: Collection of Ms. Christine Goodwin (Edzard), London, UK | Private Collection, Palm Beach, Florida |Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens, West Palm Beach, Florida. We would like to thank Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens of West Palm Beach, Florida for their kind assistance in the completion of this listing. Proceeds from the sale of this work and others with this notation offered in this sale benefit their educational programs [].
Designer & Manufacturer: Dietz Edzard (1893-1963)
Markings: signed, marking(s); 1962 (per canvas) or 1960 (per certificate)
Country of Origin & Materials: German; oil on canvas
Dimensions(H,W,D): 28.25"h, 23.25"w; 33.5"h, 28.25"w frame
art: very good; frame: very good